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New School
In 1853 Father James McGlennon built a school beside the chapel at Fairhill.  The application to the Commissioners for Grant Aid gives the details of the building:
“The house is new with one schoolroom 30 feet by 20 feet.  Six desks each 14 feet in length, entirely new:  a master’s desk with a locker for books etc., a few forms and blackboards.  Archibald McKinley, (a native of Carey parish) aged 33 years is the teacher.  The average attendance is 85: about one half is males.  The school hours are from 10 o’clock till 3 pm.
The whole of Saturday each week is set apart for Religious Instruction.  There is also a Sunday school.  The books used will be those of the National Board.  Visitors will be admitted at all times during school hours.  The school is under the management of the Revd. James McGlennon , P.P. Ballycastle”.

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