The Parish Office at 15 Moyle Road, Ballycastle is our main contact point. Parish Office hours are Monday - Friday 9.00am - 2.00pm. We can be contacted by Phone: 028 207 62223 Or Email: ballycastle@downandconnor.org
If you require a priest in an emergency, please call the emergency on-call number: 07809553349
Useful Contacts
Bethany Bereavement Support Group: members of the parish Bethany Group are available to listen to anyone who is feeling lonely or lost following the death of a loved one. A Bethany member may be contacted confidentially on 07519471481.
St Vincent de Paul helpine: 07754722022
Ballycastle Foodbank: 07536986448 // info@ballycastle.foodbank.org.uk // www.ballycastle.foodbank.org.uk
Ballycastle Baby Bank: 07704323898 or 07874317773