Friday, 14 March, 2025  
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Altar Society

A great sense of pride is shown to the three churches in our parish – Ballycastle, Rathlin and Glenshesk.  The churches are routinely cleaned and cared for.  In Ballycastle, this goes down to a very small group of people.  We are in need of more volunteers to help with this valuable work so that our church can be a fitting place of worship.  At present there are five teams, which are made up of two – three people.  If you volunteer you will become part of an existing team.

The tasks carried out by the Altar Society include the washing and ironing of altar linens, cleaning and polishing of brasses and vases, vacuuming and dusting of sanctuary and side altars on a weekly basis and the arranging of flowers.  If you are interested in contributing to this very important work, please give your name to one of the priests of the parish or to the Parish Secretary (2076 2223).  A rota detailing when your team is on, is sent out from the Parish Office.


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