Tuesday, 18 February, 2025  
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St Patrick's & St Brigid's Church Choir




The Choir has as its mission statement:

• To lead and support the congregation in the celebration of Parish Liturgies.

The choir is a mixed voice S.A.T.B. and has a range of material, from plainchant through to contemporary, that allows for congregational participation.

The choir sings at the 10.00 am Mass each Sunday, at the Vigil Masses for Holy Days of Obligation, Carol Services, aa well as at the Holy Week and Easter Ceremonies.  The choir also sing, when requested at other liturgies such as funerals, weddings, Night Prayer and Benediction etc.


Rosary Group

altBack in 1990 a few parishioners had seen the need for the Rosary to be brought back as a prayer in our parish.  They opened up their homes and invited a few friends along but, as time went by, more people wanted to come along to pray.  Before long it was decided that we had to find more space.  So, with the kind permission of Cross & Passion Sisters, we obtained a room in the local convent until its closure.

Altar Society

A great sense of pride is shown to the three churches in our parish – Ballycastle, Rathlin and Glenshesk.  The churches are routinely cleaned and cared for.  In Ballycastle, this goes down to a very small group of people.  We are in need of more volunteers to help with this valuable work so that our church can be a fitting place of worship.  At present there are five teams, which are made up of two – three people.  If you volunteer you will become part of an existing team.

The Folk Choir

The Folk Choir is very much a community choir.
The choir exists to lead the congregational singing of hymns that are suitable for a large congregation of people.
Our members are representative of the parish with members ranging in age from Primary and Secondary School pupils to adults.


Children's Liturgy

The Children’s Celebration of the Liturgy of the Word began in the parish on Sunday 19th March 2000.  This celebration takes place at the 12noon Mass every Sunday (except in July and August).  The children are invited at the beginning of Mass to follow a member of the Children’s Liturgy team to the crypt where they have their celebration.  The Liturgy of the Word for children is a specially adapted liturgy, which makes the Liturgy of the Word more meaningful to the children and will help them to grow in an understanding of the Sunday readings.  The children find it enjoyable and fun and so they want to be there.  The children return to the main body of the Church at the Offertory Procession.

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