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Special Religious Education Development

Who are we?

We are a small group of Soecial Friends and helpers.

What we do?

Our aim is to deliver a religious education programme to our friends with Special Needs, to let them share their faith together in a way that suits them and to learn from them th epurpose God has for all of us.

We do this by meeting every Monday ( in term time) one week preparation week and the next is with our Special Friends.  Our meetings last ablut 2 hours, starting with 30 minutes of quiet activity, then we proceed to a Holy area for our lesson and finishing with agape (a sharing of a small supper), a bit of a chat and a few songs.

Where do we meet?

In the McAllister Hall on a Monday night from 7.15pm - 9.15pm.

What do we need?

We work on a one -one basis with our Special Friends and it would be lovely to expand our group to include more Special Friends.  In order to do that, we need more helpers.  All our heloers would say that they receive more from this than they give.

All that is needed is a desire to share faith and love with each other and a commitment for two hours on a monday night.  We welcome anyone who would like to know about SPRED, and invite any parishioners with Special Needs to acome along and find out more about us.


If at any time you feel you could commit yourself as a helper, please contact us.  Newcomers are always welcome and also if you know anyone with Special Needs that could benefit, please contact any member of the SPRED group.



Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience; strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others recover from alcoholism.  The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking.  There are no dues or fees for AA; we are self-supporting through our own contributions.  AA is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution; does not wish to engage in any controversy; neither endorses nor opposes any causes.  Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety.
If your require details of a local meeting of the AA, contact Alcoholics Anonymous’ Central Service Office (028) 90 351222

Alzheimers Society

Dementia care and research.
Are you caring for someone who is confused and forgetful?
Would you like a break?
Causeway Branch (Alzheimer’s Society) provides.

1. Monthly support meetings.
2. Information and advice.
3. Respite support to give carer few hours to attend to personal matters.

Arthritis Care

At Arthritis Care Northern Ireland we believe that people with arthritis need much more than well-meaning sympathy.  They and their families and friends, need support, understanding, information and expertise, so that they can cope better and get the most out of life.


Chest Heart and Stroke - Local Support Group

altThis local support group of the Chest, Heart and Stroke Association meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month in the Rathmoyle Day Centre.  The aim of the Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke Association is to promote the prevention and alleviate the suffering resulting from chest heart and stroke related illnesses.  This local support group helps to raise funds for this vital work.  Valerie Saunders, who is the Co-ordinator of the support group, gives an up-to-date on what is happening nationally in the Association.
For further information about this local support group.

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