The Choir has as its mission statement:
• To lead and support the congregation in the celebration of Parish Liturgies.
The choir is a mixed voice S.A.T.B. and has a range of material, from plainchant through to contemporary, that allows for congregational participation.
The choir sings at the 10.00 am Mass each Sunday, at the Vigil Masses for Holy Days of Obligation, Carol Services, aa well as at the Holy Week and Easter Ceremonies. The choir also sing, when requested at other liturgies such as funerals, weddings, Night Prayer and Benediction etc.
Several members of the choir also act as cantors for the 6.30 pm Saturday Vigil Mass. A number of members of the choir have sung in the past, and also at present continue to sing, with the Diocesan Choir that travels to Lourdes each year. Some members also have participated over the years in some of the liturgies at St Peter’s, the Diocesan Cathedral in Belfast.
At present the choir is under the leadership of Pat Black (Organist) and meets on a Thursday evening at 7.00 pm in the Church for rehearsals.
Contact with the choir can be made through the Parish Office Telephone No. 028 2076 2223 or via any choir member.