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Home Parish Organisations Church Children's Liturgy
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Children's Liturgy

The Children’s Celebration of the Liturgy of the Word began in the parish on Sunday 19th March 2000.  This celebration takes place at the 12noon Mass every Sunday (except in July and August).  The children are invited at the beginning of Mass to follow a member of the Children’s Liturgy team to the crypt where they have their celebration.  The Liturgy of the Word for children is a specially adapted liturgy, which makes the Liturgy of the Word more meaningful to the children and will help them to grow in an understanding of the Sunday readings.  The children find it enjoyable and fun and so they want to be there.  The children return to the main body of the Church at the Offertory Procession.

What age group does this celebration cater for?
The children who attend the Children’s Liturgy are of primary school age.


Who celebrates the Liturgy of the Word with the children?
There are five teams of catechists who run the children’s liturgy.  Each team comprises of between six and eight members; adults and senior post-primary students make-up a team.  These catechists are making a tremendous contribution to the workings of our local church and to the faith development of our children.  The catechists themselves derive personal satisfaction and enjoyment from working with children.  If anyone would like to assist with the celebration of the children’s liturgy you can contact the priests of the parish or any team member of the liturgy groups. 


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