Friday, 14 March, 2025  
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Home Parish Organisations Church Ballycastle Charismatic Prayer Group
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Ballycastle Charismatic Prayer Group

The Prayer Group has been in existence since 1977 and meets each Tuesday evening at 7.30 pm in the crypt apart from the Lamas Fair Tuesday.  Over the years this has provided stability and continuity.  We have always been Ecumenical based on Jesus prayer for unity (John 17 v.21-23) and on (Matthew 18:v20).
“Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them”. 

 We meet for prayer and praise, for fellowship and sharing (always Christ centered), to use the Charisms and grow in life of the spirit.  We aim to grow through teaching, listening to God’s word in Scripture, study and use of the Charisms and Prayer Ministry – individual prayer for healing etc.  There are always Prayers for Petition where we pray for local needs, family, friends and the wider community as well as world needs.  From individual testimonies we become aware of God’s unconditional love in a personal way.  A hallmark of the meeting is that of confidentiality.

Those who attend are ordinary people leading ordinary lives but are being made more aware of God’s extraordinary and unconditional love for all people.
You too are welcome to come along either alone or with friends and enjoy a cup of tea and a chat.


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